In April 2019, the Rapid Response for Refugees Circle (# 110) received an urgent appeal from the Central Ghan Volleyball Club. This club trains around 60 Afghani girls and boys to participate in the South Australian Volleyball League. They were asking for assistance to provide participation fees and uniform costs for the girls teams, without which they would not be able to compete. In response an appeal was launched through the website, and the necessary funds were raised for all three teams to continue to be on the court in 2019.
Margaret of Circle of Friends 42 led the push for funds after Rassoul, the club’s coach, approached her. Circle 42 had supported Rasoul and the Maiwand soccer team for some years until 2009. Margaret gathered friends and sent out an appeal to her family and friends, other friends spread it wider. In a happy ending the necessary $2,500 was gathered through the Circles efforts and then passed on to the Central Ghan Volley Ball Club. Margaret and friends also attended the last couple of games and cheered the girls on.
Margaret then gathered family and friends to attend the Club’s Presentation night. 37 people joined her and the teams and officials to cheer the prize winners and congratulate the teams on another season. More money was raised for the club with a donation included in the price of dinner paid by Margaret’s friends.
The teams are coached by Rassoul. The Division 2 girls reached the semi-final but Rassoul says that he considers that the biggest successes were the girls’ participation in the event and the confidence and sense of belonging which they gained week by week. Having the girls participate in the volleyball tournament also contributed to the wider community. In Rassoul’s words they were “educated in who we actually are and that regardless of how much or how little clothes you wear, you still love the game of volleyball through which connections happen and barriers are broken”.
In 2020 the club is intending to welcome anyone who wishes to participate, regardless of cultural background, in the hope that this will lead to further understanding and connection as well as swelling the numbers of players.
The future participation of these teams is dependent on the generosity of supporters so please, if you can, help to keep the volleyball in the air by donating via our secure GiveNow page. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Please identify donations as ‘CF75 Kensington’.