Parenting SA Parent Easy Guide available in Dari and Uyghur

Parenting SA has now released Dari and Uyghur translations of the new multicultural Parent Easy Guides. The Guides help orientate newly arrived families to parenting in Australia and provide information about support services in the community. They will also benefit families who have been here longer.

You can now order as many copies as you need of the Dari, Uyghur and English versions, using the attached order form. All Guides are FREE in South Australia.

Free A3 size posters promoting each of these translations are currently being developed and we will let you know when these are available.

Parenting SA would like to thank the many people who generously contributed their expertise, knowledge and time to ensure the quality of these translations – translators, bilingual workers, community members and especially the families who allowed us to take their photos.

The translated Guides can be viewed here:



Translations into other languages are currently in progress. We will let you know as these become available or you can find them on our website Parenting SA.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on 8161 7763.