The Family MF Circle (Circle 129) was formed in February of this year (2023) to support the family of a man who is a refugee. He arrived at Christmas Island over 10 years ago. But as with many who have sought safety in Australia his family are yet to join him and are currently enduring extreme deprivation. The major complication is that MF (name withheld for security reasons) had an accident several years ago and now is seriously incapacitated and unable to work.
MF’s family left their homeland having experienced a suicide bombing and targeted violence, both at school and in their home. They took a perilous journey across a border, but their lives are still full of danger. They have no documentation and whenever they leave their cramped accommodation, they risk being arrested by authorities. So they remain indoors unable to work or go to school. They have difficulty affording the basics of food and rent and to pay for necessary medication for chronic illness (diabetes) as well as for treating injuries (burns) resulting from bomb blasts.
In Australia MF worked hard and was managing to help his extended family on his own until his accident. COFA is working with other agencies and a pro bono lawyer to address MF’s situation and we believe he will eventually become independent of our efforts as his children will be able to study and work in Australia.
In addition, as with many refugees, MF tries to support his war-widowed sisters-in-law and their children who remain in a rural village in his homeland. He has stoically provided all the support he could.
MF struggles with the inability to help his family. The shame and anxiety are crushing and he is currently accepting support from counselling agencies.
A small number of local Aussies, having met MF, hold him in awe for his commitment to his family, education for his daughters as well as his integrity and graciousness. They have committed to helping him, to lift his spirits and ease his worries.
Will you help? Please join us in supporting MF and his family by making a donation via our secure GiveNow account. Please indicate that you want your donation to go towards Family MF Circle (129). To find out more about how your donation will help please contact Lesley Walker, Family MF Circle Convenor, on 0418 829 941 or by email.