Fundraising Concert

“If You Miss Me From Singing” featuring Hot Gospel acapella choir, Director Quentin Eyers

Come join Adelaide’s Hot Gospel Choir & super-talented friends for an afternoon of song in a beautiful Adelaide community hall. We love to sing and – happily – friends and family often ask us if we’ll perform again. You’ll also hear from some of our favourite singer friends, including captivating songstress, Hanna, and powerful indigenous singer-songwriter, Si Wilson.

Date:  Saturday 7th October
Time: 2pm-4pm.
Location: St Barnabas Church Hall, 44 William St, West Croydon SA 5008.
Tickets $15 and $10.

Funds raised by this event will support an Adelaide family who are refugees and friends of long-time advocate Lesley Walker.

If you cannot join us, please consider a tax-deductible donation to Lesley’s Circle (Circle 113).