2024 SA Senior Australian of the Year awarded to Circle of Friends Member Meredith Evans

Circle of Friends congratulates Sister Meredith Evans who has been awarded the 2024 SA Senior Australian of the Year. Meredith Evans is a active and dedicated member of the Effective Living Centre Circle (Circle 111). We are pleased that her lifelong service to others has been recognised in this way.

As the Press release from Australian of the Year Awards reads:

“Sister of Mercy Meredith Evans has dedicated her life to helping the vulnerable and inspiring others to do the same.

Through her vocation, Meredith has provided kind, non-judgemental care and assistance to many – including refugees, young people, women experiencing homelessness, women exiting violent relationships and women leaving prison.

In 2019, Meredith established the South Australian division of Young Mercy Links – a network of young people passionate about social justice, advocacy and education.

She was also instrumental in re-establishing Justice for Refugees SA and the Young Christian Workers Movement in South Australia.  In 2014, Meredith partnered with like-mind people to start a new Circle of Friends in Adelaide, providing on the ground support for refugees.

Meredith’s care has extended abroad, engaging people to contribute to the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The service provides newly built homes for people with a landmine injury and their families.”